Sorceress Isabella Ch. 02

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The sound of wet flesh slapping reverberated through the forest air, echoing through the trees in the darkness. The moon was full and high, the stars twinkling overhead, with the occasional sounds of an owl hooting coming from a mile away joining the background noise of bats and other nocturnal creatures.

The fire crackled, a warm campfire in the middle of a clearing, the trees overhead forming a canopy to keep people dry if it were too rain. The night air was cold and frosty, but the fire was warm and inviting. They were a distance from the path that snaked through this edge of the wood, far enough off the road that no one walking past would have heard or seen them. Perfect if you didn't want to be noticed.

But people were never able to hide from Isabella. No matter how hard they tried. She had developed a sixth sense for these things as her magical powers had grown. She was like a hawk.

The girl before her, bent over a tree stump, robe pushed to the side had tried to hide. Now she was coping with Isabella's monstrously large cock ramming into her wet cunt. She was a brunette, young, maybe only twenty, with soft pretty features you didn't see from many of the peasants Isabella dealt with.

The girl was moaning loudly, clutching the tree stump, clinging on for dear life as Isabella rammed into her. Her pussy was tight, the warm, soft folds clutching around the Sorceress's cock as she kept barreling into her. Isabella had already pushed and popped her cock through the girl's cervix, entering her womb proper, and was busy fucking her harder than she'd ever been fucked before.

Isabella's cock was bigger, thicker, stronger, harder than any other man's could ever dream to be. It was as thick as her forearm and just as long, the head the size of an apple. Her balls were bouncing around between her thighs, swinging back and forth as she kept going, sliding her length through the young girl's moist canal.

The girl had cum a few times now, juices flowing and spraying all over Isabella, coating her shaft in their oily lubrication, which only allowed Isabella to fuck harder. Isabella had her by the waist, slapping her hips into the girl's ass with force, making her whole-body quake.

Of course, she had to rely on feeling and sensation for so much of it. Isabella could barely see past the huge, bulging pregnant belly she was sporting. One she had been permanently cursed with. Just like her cock.

"Are you going to cum for me child?" Isabella asked.

Her belly was thrusting back and forth with her whole body. She had the most fertile, gravid body that any woman could hope to bare, a beautiful fecund Sorceress, which had made her capture of this girl easy. A simple magic spell to drop her inhibitions and she had fallen like a tree for Isabella.

"Oh mistress! Oh Mistress! By the God's!" The girl screamed.

Another orgasm racked her body, and Isabella felt another flood of warm juices gush out of the girl's cunt to spray all over her cock and sack. Isabella felt her own cunt dripping, she was horny as well, but she was in complete control of this girl. She'd cum when she wanted too.

She had found her purely by accident. Isabella had just entered this part of the kingdom, her journey's these past decades taking her across the entire continent, and she had not been here in some time. Strangely, a few people had recognized her from her last visit, as she had not aged a day since. Another part of the magical curse which she was forever paying for.

The previous village had posted a reward for two girls had come through a week back, announcing to all that they were travelling Sorceress's, and had arrived to help the townsfolk in any way they wished: for a price of course. They performed some simple spells, wooing over the crowd, and within minutes they had people lining up, asking for cures and rituals performed to save them from their troubles.

Unfortunately for all the towns people, the two girls were not Sorcerers. Nor were they skilled in any magic at all. They had performed illusions, sleight of hand to dupe all of the village. The "magic" they did perform for the villagers, they said would take time to work. You couldn't expect magic to happen right away.

They took their money and left that night, leaving a village of very angry customers in their wake.

For someone like Isabella, a powerful Sorceress, she never liked to see her and her kind's name besmirched by such people. She'd intended on hunting them down at some point, and had just been lucky to find them in this part of the woods, hiding out in the forest for the time being.

And so it was that Isabella had decided to teach them a lesson.

As she continued to pummel this brunette's cunt, driving her higher to ecstasy, a moan at Isabella's side reminded her there was still another girl she had to finish off. The accomplice to the one bent over the tree log was curled at Isabella's feet, groaning, as she had just had the fucking of a lifetime before this one. Blonde hair was matted to her scalp, her clothes torn apart, as cum leaked out of her cunt.

A river of white spunk, gooey and thick, trickled down her thighs and onto the forest floor as she murmured and moaned, half conscious, her body still twitching from previous orgasms. Isabella turned away from her, paying her no mind, while she got back to the other girl.

"It's a shame I have to punish you like this." Isabella said. Her wide, fertile hips were still pounding away, driving that cock of hers even deeper than previously. She was bottoming out within her womb, the tip deep into her belly, her stomach distended beneath her. "Impersonating a Sorceress is a fate punishable by death if ever caught by the magical council."

The girl's fingernails were gripping the trunk, tearing at it, her teeth gnashing together. How many more orgasms could she take?

"I'm so sorry mistress! I'm so sorry!" There was no doubt in Isabella's mind that the girl was thoroughly enjoying her punishment.

"I am going to give you a second chance. For a first-time offense."

"Thank you! THANK YOU!" She grunted.

If this girl thought that this fucking was the real punishment, she had no idea what was going to happen after this. Isabella grunted, feeling the babies within her give a couple of swift kicks. She let go of the girl's waist to rub her massive belly, attempting to quiet them down for the moment. She didn't want them to distract her.

The problem with being pregnant for nearly a century, and never giving birth, was a topic that didn't even phase Isabella's mind anymore. She knew her unborn children better than anyone ever would. She could even tell which one they were by their position and enthusiasm. A few quick rubs where they had kicked, and thankfully it soothed them for the moment.

These girls were going to have a lot of explaining to do when she was done with them. The girl at Isabella's feet was already cursed, and then one currently with her cunt wrapped around Isabella's cock only had a few minutes left before she joined her.

Isabella was a Sorceress with power that exceeded many across the land. But her forte, her specialty, involved fertility. It made sense, considering her body and what had happened to her so long ago. She had imbued her cock with magical powers this evening, her cum exceptionally virile and potent enough to impregnate an entire kingdom.

Too bad she only had the two girls here to stuff full with her seed.

"I'm close." Isabella whined. She was going full thrust into the girl, starting to lose control of herself as she kept fucking. It had been a week now since she'd had another willing partner to fuck, and she was feeling mightily backed up. Her previous orgasm with the other girl had not been enough to empty her at all. Cum was spilling out of her cock slit, mixing with the girl's juices in her womb.

"Please mistress! Please cum inside me!"

The girl didn't know what she was saying. Her lust was making her say things she shouldn't have been. Isabella grunted, feeling her cock harden, throb, her balls demanding she release their payload. She gripped the girl tighter around the waist again, and pounded her pussy as quickly as she could.

Cum spurted out of her, firing like a water jet right into the girl's womb. Isabella gritted her teeth as she felt her cock throbbing, huge ropes of thick cum racing out of her cock to douse the girl's insides. Her own cunt released, cumming with her cock, spraying her girl juices between her legs while her cock dumped more and more cum into her.

The poor girl screamed and nearly fainted as she felt the warm sperm filling her up, bloating her belly as Isabella came for over a minute. The huge amount of seed began to leak out of her cunt even with Isabella's cock still inside her, thick white goo dripping out of her lips.

Isabella shook, her body tense and quivering, as she emptied her sack into the girl, sighing with content at having gotten herself off a second time.

She pulled her cock out of the girl's hairy snatch, the whole foot long shaft taking it's time to remove itself out of the depth, a waterfall of cum following as the thick head popped free. She was still hard, she was always hard, but at least there was no more cum firing out of her.

Isabella stood there, a big smile on her face, looking down at her body. She could feel the stickiness of her cock as it flopped between her legs, covered in all manner of juices. Her nipples trembled as well, hardened and thick, and she felt the familiar call to have someone attach themselves to each breast and milk herself.

She still wasn't done yet.

By the God's, she really was horny tonight. Luckily the next village was larger, offering room and board and many more villagers who needed her help. She'd be able to make some money there, as well as find some longer lasting bedroom compatriots.

These two were cursed now. In the next month, they were going to have a world full of trouble. How many babies would they have? A dozen each? That would teach them. They were going to become pregnant, really pregnant, at an accelerated rate. And their litter was going to be massive.

That's what happens when you mess with a Sorceress.

The blonde was still mewling at Isabella's feet. She'd planned on fucking them once each and moving on, but the blood that was still pouring into her cock, so erect, was telling her otherwise.

"On your knees." Isabella ordered.

With a groan, the blonde pulled herself up. She was exhausted, her cunt still oozing Isabella's cum, but she was obedient. She had her head down, but she pushed her ass up before Isabella, pointing it right at the pregnant Sorceress.

The blonde's hairy cunt greeted Isabella. It was matted with thick cum, the dark curly hairs stuck together and too her skin. Her bush was nearly as thick as her own, though Isabella's was bright red, as thick as animal fur. And like the curse, it had caused most of her body to be covered in it. Just like a man's.

Still, peeking out of the blonde's bush, Isabella saw the small little hole wink to her just above the girl's slit. She didn't need to oil herself up. She was already covered in her own juices. And the magical spell she had placed on both of them was going to allow her no restrictions on what she wanted.

Isabella towered her pregnant body over the girl, took hold of her cock, and pushed the tip right into the girl's rear end.

The blonde gasped, head rising up, as Isabella pushed and felt the tip of her cock pop right in to the girl's bottom. She plunged her needy cock right into the girl's ass, causing another quick gasp out of her, before she sank her full length inside her.

She began to fuck hard, the tight hole even more of a contrast from her friend's pussy Isabella had just been in before. It was a different feeling, not as smooth, yet better in a whole other way. Her balls tingled as they began slapping into the girl's cum stained cunt, signifying to Isabella that she may not last that long with how delicious everything was feeling.

Isabella decided to spend the night here. She could take her time and arrive at the village tomorrow. For tonight, she was just going to enjoy herself and use these two little sluts up.

The slapping of her cock as it pounded away into the girl's asshole echoed through the forest, joining the chorus of the animals at night as Isabella took her pleasures until the sun rose the following morning.


Isabella settled into the water, a content sigh escaping her lips as she sank into the warmth of the bath. Her body disappeared underneath the soapy bubbles that lay on top of the water, her head staying above the white foam as sore muscles finally relaxed from a hard day of work. Nothing beat a warm bath after riding on horseback all day, let alone for a week at a time. She'd been travelling through the countryside, her horse and nature her only companions for what felt like too long. Rain and mud had taken a toll on her clothes, while the constant riding on horseback left her stiff and sore.

The warm water was already having it's affect on her, as she felt the smell and grime begin to seep away. This last journey had been harder than she had imagined, thanks to an unusual period of rain, but she arrived in this village in the afternoon with a smile. She always enjoyed the sight of a homely clump of people, the fire's burning, the food cooking, and a genuine hard work ethic from dependable people. They were her bread and butter, her customers who kept her working. The one's who offered up wives' tales or idle gossip which was always handy when she helped them. They always knew more than royalty ever did.

As she bobbed in the bath, her lodging squared away for the next few days as she took up shop among the people, she let herself sink just a little deeper into the water so her shoulders now dropped beneath the surface. The lodging was quiet, Isabella having seen only one other guest since she had arrived a few hours ago. After having her horse settled in the stable next door and her belongings brought to her room, she had made a bee line straight for the baths. Again she was the only one in the room which held two tubs, with a warm fire situated in a fireplace keeping the room nice and toasty even when she wasn't in the bath. She took full use of being by herself and had slipped straight into the water. Alongside her head, which now leaned back into a headrest situated neatly behind her, her protruding belly still peaked through the bubbles to ever remind herself of her constant condition. A few bubbles clung to her naked skin though, a large one popping just on top of her belly button which had jutted from her belly for the last eighty two years.

She rubbed her belly under the water, comfortable and used to her condition like it was normal now. In fact she could hardly remember what it was like to have a flat stomach. Her belly was quiet tonight, the two babies within her womb settled down and sleeping within her. They themselves tended to get rowdy on a journey, and she would often experience little kicks or bumps from within her as she rode on horseback. But the bath had settled them and they remained quiet within her, thankfully relaxing just like their mother. The wish, or curse however you looked at it, that Arreganol had placed on her so many years ago had made her a fertile goddess. But a fertile goddess Isabella had discovered did not give birth. She was continually stuck forever in this form, her children older than most peasants she met, but never able to enter the real world. It disgusted her, and over time, motivated her. She hoped one day she'd be able to break this curse and finally see her children. But after eighty two years she still felt a century behind her goals.

Still, at least she had her looks. That had never disappeared. As locked as she was in this pregnant prison, her beauty remained timeless with it. Red flowing hair, bright eyes, and unblemished pale skin was like a beacon of sexuality to all people who gazed upon her. For a woman nearing a century, she looked as abundantly youthful as any fair Princess. And she'd used those good looks to her advantage many times. Men, and women, were quickly under her spell from within minutes of being around her. Not many could resist Sorceress Isabella.

Her reputation now proceeded her wherever she went after decades of roaming the outlying empires. She stayed away from the Middle Kingdoms and the High Empires located further North and to the East. Sorcerers and Wizards there were plentiful, and she didn't need their meddling getting in the way of her plans. So she stayed to the South, dealing with common folk and the odd Royal court, always in pursuit of her great treasure: knowledge.

Arreganol had not deceived her when he had stated how powerful she was. Spells were like a reflex to her, their power limited only be herself. In the past eighty years she found anything she could on magic, wizardry and alchemy, she learnt it all. Her knowledge of language had increased to know most of the olden words, the elvish script and even more arcane dialects when she could find them. Her illiteracy was now a thing of the past and her repertoire of power only ever increased. She was as powerful as any song or poet had written about the sorcerers of the past. But still, nothing learned seemed to break her curse.

As she shifted in the bath, the water sloshing over belly which still peaked through the water, she was reminded of that other curse. The one which floated between her legs, bobbing and rising in the warm water. It wasn't that she didn't like her cock. Far from it. The pleasure she derived from having a man's appendage had on occasion outweighed her own pussy. She loved to fuck both men and women with it. For a powerful sorceress such as herself, the power of a cock complemented her sexual appetites. No, rather it was the knowledge of it always being there, never disappearing, a thick member that always seemed to arouse itself at any moment. She thought back to Queen Victori, sweet Victori, and those early days with her and lying in her bed. Victori had had the best of both worlds there, the ability to grow and disappear a cock on demand. Isabella, like her pregnancy, was stuck like this, until she could reverse her wishes. Until then, this would be her life.

Knock. Knock.

The sound of a quick rap on the wooden door broke Isabella out of her reverie. She sat up a bit higher in the tub, the warm air still cool on her now exposed shoulders. Her iconic flaming red hair was still wrapped up in a bun on the top of her head, though wisps fell down here and there.

"Yes? What is it?"

"My name is Candice Ma'am. You requested me?"

Isabella had ordered a maid when she'd ordered the bath. "Come in then."

The wooden door opened and a meek little creature entered. She was of age, though just barely, dressed in what could have been described as a grey sack, though Isabella guessed it had once been a dress. Her hair was tied up and away from her face, a dirty blonde color, while a black habit covered the crown of head and down to her shoulders. She closed the door behind her, before clasping her hands before herself. Her head faced the floor before the bath, her shoulders stopped, and she did not look up. A poor peasant if she'd ever seen one.

"You wished for help Ma'am?"

"Aye I did, though I don't know why they sent you particularly. Stand up straight girl for God's sake!"

The peasant did, quickly, as if failure to comply was often accompanied by punishment. Clearly she was used to being ordered about, though maybe she was a bit simple if regular beatings were a thing. Even after she straightened her shoulders she still didn't look up at Isabella. Even as a handmaiden a lifetime ago, Isabella had not been this pathetic.r"ékidi/content/page/41/?type=forums_topic_post


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