Elusive Love

"Complete work of fiction and even characters are fictional; All Characters are 18+."

"This story involves a romantic relationship between three people but this chapter will only involve two with third person introduced in the last and involved in the next chapter, so there will be Incest, Lesbian, Threesome and romance between three people and my story is long so be warned."

"This is my very first story so all suggestions are welcomed."

"Special thanks to Des for helping me with the editing"

I was preparing for the date tonight with Jack in my room when there was a voice from outside of my room.

"Hey sis, are you busy?" said Ethan.

Ethan is my little brother and My name is Sophie 21-year-old with 3 years gap in between us with Ethan being 18.

"You need something lil bro?" I asked.

"Yea... actually never mind..." he said slowly as his voice faded when he moved away from my room.

I was still in the middle of changing my dress so I could not go out and ask him immediately, once I was done dressing and was ready for the date. I looked myself again in the mirror and was pretty proud the way I looked at the age of 21 with my long blonde hair and blue eyes and my hourglass figure. That I worked each day to maintain, then I looked at my boobs, that just perfect C cup and are round, perky and pretty handful to play with. My ass is filled out as well and I was looking a total knockout for sure. If I only had ears and tails on my back, I would look like K/DA Ahri from a game that I played with Ethan for some time. Once I was done admiring myself in the mirror I went out to see Ethan and I knocked on his door lightly.

"You in there Ethan?" I asked and no reply came and I asked again.

"Are you in there lil bro?"

"Yes..." He whispered.

I moved the knob to open the door and found him on his bed listening to some songs with headphones on his head, for an 18-year-old boy he is pretty tall and muscular thanks to his workout in the gym, with his black hair and sharp facial feature he looked like a lot like Kayn from LOL.

"You came to my room a while ago? Need something?"

He looked at me after starring for a while he looked back at his phone.

"No just dad said you are going on a date so just wanted to know was it true or what but seeing you like this I guess he was telling the truth."

I smiled softly and leaned on the door with my shoulder as I asked him.

"And you wanted to know because?"

He looked at me again and again starred for a while then took a deep breath and said. "Just let me know if there's anything wrong or if he tries something I will make sure he will pay for it."

I gave him a beaming smile and started to move towards him.

"Awe... look at that, my lil bro worried so much about his big sis?" as I got close to him I grabbed his head and crushed him in a bear hug as he tried to get away from me without putting much effort behind it which made me chuckle a bit.

"Hey get away from me you fox!!" he yelled but I still kept him in the bear hug for a little longer than let him go after he stopped putting up the fight.

"I'm happy that you are worried for me bro but you are forgetting that I'm 2 years older than you and I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

"I know that you are but I still wanted to make sure is all, so just promise me that you will."

I know why he is being like this and to be honest that reason is alone to make me love him even more, almost all the time I have been on the dates so far none has ever gone well as all the guys could think about when going out with me is how to get into my pants but last time was the most horrible.

(Few Months Ago)

The guy even after saying no won't leave me back home but instead tried to take me to some unknown place saying that this place will be good to make me in the mood and as things started to go south for me I said to the guy to let me go toilet before we go anywhere and after being reluctant for a bit he agreed.

As I came into the bathroom stall I immediately called Ethan and told him everything even though he was just 18 he still is very fit and can hold on his own. After waiting for him for about 10 minutes I got the call from him that he is here which surprised me as time to drive here takes almost 20 minutes and he does not even have his license yet. I left all the thoughts out and rushed outside to find him right outside of the lady's washroom.

When he saw me, I saw multiple emotions on him starting from worried to relief to anger and then in rage. He started to look around but I rushed to him and hugged him so tight that I felt like I will l never let him go. He was saying something but I could not hear anything as I realized I was sobbing a bit and I could not make up any words in mouth.

After a while he let go and started to take me out of the place after the buzzing of the music died a bit and I saw dad's car outside of the bar I calmed down a bit and that is when I his furious voice.

"Who is the guy" Ethan sneered at me while looking around as if to recognize someone, he was asking about my date as I realized that Ethan has never met him.

Realizing how angry he is my eyes went wide and I immediately went into my big sis role as I tried to calm him.

"Ethan calm down please it is okay now we are out and I just want to get home." I said in a low whisper.

He looked at me in the eye which actually looked so dangerous at that moment as I'm sure I have never seen that look on him ever, after looking at me his expressions softened and he started to calm. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped mid-way and said.

"Let's go home than we will talk"

I smiled at him as he understood me that I was in no mood to stay there any longer. Without me having to say a word, but just as we were about to reach the car I heard his voice which sent cold shivers through my whole body.

I tightened my grip on Ethan's hand and he realized whose voice is it.

"Who is that guy with you?" sneered Ryan my date.

Without saying anything Ethan grabbed my hand pushed be behind him and spun around to face Ryan, even though Ryan was almost 3 years older than Ethan both are physically equally built with Ryan having a slight advantage. Before I even realized what happened Ethan sped past me towards Ryan and grabbed him by the collar started pushing Ryan back, Ryan grabbed Ethan's hand but Ethan somehow overpowered Ryan. Ethan landed a punch right in Ryan's face before kicking him in stomach. To my Surprise Ryan tried to fight back but it looked as if Ethan is the one who is the older here as he not only overpowered Ryan but also literally dominated him in that fight and soon Ryan was on the ground.

Ethan kept on kicking him and swearing at him while threatening him to stay the hell away from me which despite the situation made happy butterflies fly in my stomach. I soon realized that if I did not stop Ethan he might hurt the guy too badly so I ran towards him and started to push him away from whimpering Ryan and after a little struggle he let me push him away still yelling.



"Calm down Ethan stop it!" I said to him in big sister voice to which he immediately stopped and closed his eyes while taking deep breaths.

I looked at the sorry state that Ryan was in realizing how frightened I was to this guy who was lying on the ground whimpering in pain.

"When a girl says no it means no Ryan, you should not be forcing yourself on them." I said in calm voice now which again surprised me as I was frightened by him not long ago.

"You..." Ryan started to shout as he tried to get up but soon stopped when Ethan again pushed me behind him and started to make a bee line straight towards him. Ryan immediately stopped and took few limping steps back from Ethan than said again.

"Fine I don't want to do anything with you two and I don't need a lecture from you either, go to hell." Ryan said and started to go back

Ethan again took a few deep breaths and then looked at me with a worried look.

"Are you hurt?" he asked

"No" I said with a soft smile

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me questioningly and started to open his mouth before closing it again which made me chuckle at him.

"What?" he asked with a small smile of his own.

I said nothing just chuckled a bit more while feeling a lot better than I was an hour ago.

"Let's go home" I said

He still kept looking at me for a while so I grabbed his hand and started to take him towards dad's car. He opened the door for me, once I was sitting in the car he made his way towards the driving sit and started to take us back home. Once I saw the club being left behind I looked over at Ethan concentrating on driving while I kept my eyes on him taking him for the first time for the man that he had become and not my little brother.

Soon my eyes went wide as I realized that he still does not have the driving license and he drove all the way to the club which is like 20 minutes' drive from home in less than 10 min, also when did he learned to drive car!

"Ethan!" I shouted.

Ethan startled looked at me and caused me a tiny heart attack as his hands on steering shook as well and I gripped the door and his hand immediately. He slowed the car and brought the car to a stop onto the side of the road.

"Are you trying to kill us here!" he yelled at me looking a bit shaken himself.

I looked at him and after a while I was bursting in a fit of laughter, Ethan's dumbfound look made it even harder for me to stop.

I tried to control but I could not and after laughing so much that my stomach started to hurt, I was calm down to small chuckles as tears of joy were falling from my eyes as I kept looking at Ethan who now has his hands folded on his chest and was looking at me with a frown but with a smile on his lips.

Finally, after 10 minutes of it I was quietly starring at him, and after making sure that I was over my joy high he finally said.

"What was that for?"

"Sorry I was just admiring how grown man you have become only to realize that you are still 18 and that you are driving dad's car without any license, and as the realization hit me. That my little bro not only is driving the car without license but also zoomed at the speed that definitely is not legal. It takes about 20 min to reach to the club and you were there in less than 10 minutes."

I again said "As much as I loved you coming here so fast but being your older sibling really made me worry that something wrong could have happened to you while you are over-speeding."

"If I have to give my life to save you than I would do that in a heartbeat so when I heard about you. I really could not think of anything, but the worst and so I had to speed the car as fast as I could." He said in a very matter of fact tone even shrugged his shoulders at the end.

My vision blurred as I realized I had tears in my eyes, he looked at me and looked worried and started to say something but before he could complete his words I threw myself at him and hugged him so tight.

Burying my face in his neck while half straddling him in driver's seat.

He looked a bit shocked at first but then wrapped his hands around my waist and buried his face in my neck as we both just stayed that way for a while hugging each other as tight as we could. I had to admit he smelled wonderful, after a while a car honked past us which startled both of us and we immediately moved back to our seats. I started to straight my dress as Ethan looked around the car or out of the window and I also could not look at him in the eye.

"I think we should go home now," I said.

"Yeah." He said and started to drive us back at home.

I had no idea what to say to him after that little moment between us as I was not even sure my self what that was for but I felt like I need to talk to him as this silent didn't felt right to me but I had no words to say to him, then I realized that he was about to say something before we entered the car and so I decided to ask him about what it was and moved to look at him and said.

"What was it that you were saying before we entered the car?"

He looked at me before looking back at the road than said.

"Nothing I was just worried he might have done something to you and wanted to know whether my fear was in right place or what but seeing you laugh back there I guess I got there in time?" he said but still looked at me for approval.

I nodded at him with a small smile.

"Yes you got there in time and I was just as good as I left the house." I said.

"Not really." He said which made me frown at him and I decided to ask why but before I can do that he moved the mirror in the middle of us towards my face and I gasped.

My face looked like a mess with makeup all over the place lipstick smeared and back tear lines from crying because of the Eye makeup.

"OH MY GOD!" I said horrified of my own looks.

I looked at him and told him how it was because of me crying in Club bathroom stall and not because of Ryan as I did not let him do much to me as when we made it to the club I went straight to the bathroom stall and called him.

"Okay so... you want mom and dad to know of this or...?" he asked.

"Can we keep it a secret in between us if possible?" I asked in a low voice

Being older sibling and telling him to lie did made me feel bad but I could not tell my parents about this as they will be not only worried but might even stop me from going out alone all together.

"Our little secret?" he asked.

I beamed a smile at him and nodded my head frantically to which he just chuckled. I rested my head on the seat and we both just got silent after that but a good silent until we got home, it was Ethan who first went in to see where our parents are and after making sure that both of them are in their rooms probably sleeping he got out and helped me sneak into my room.

He took my hand and lead me all the way towards my room and once we got outside we stopped, I looked at him and he looked at me and I wrapped my hands around his waist and buried my head in his neck thanking him for the night and for saving me. He wrapped his hands around me too and hugged me back which made butterflies in my stomach fly again just like before but more than before this time.

"It's okay sis if you ever need me, I will always be there for you." He whispered.

I smiled in his neck and took a deep breath taking more of his scent in which for a weird reason felt too good to stop, I could not make sense of things than so I stepped back reluctantly and said my goodnight to him and got in my room and as I closed the door I rested against it with my head against the door thinking of the whole night and the weird sensations in my stomach I had felt, I stopped thinking about it much than moved towards the bathroom to take the shower and change into my night cloths.

(Present Day)

After that night things went normal between us but I felt more ease and close to him since that day and we also shared many secrets from his dating life which to my surprise was not really going that well.

I started to give him some advice on what a girl likes and all but never got too personal with whom he is seeing and all as that did not felt good to me. Tonight was the night that I'm going out again on a date after that day and so I can feel why Ethan is not so pleased with me going on a date.

"I Promise that if anything goes wrong, I will call you immediately."

I was still holding him in a bear hug, but then I let him go and took few steps back and gave him a smile, he did not smile back immediately. He finally let go of his breath, and nodded and I started to move back towards the door and as I reached at the knob. I looked back at him and saw him looking at me with a worried look which I could not understand as what he was worried of even after I assured him. I gave him a soft smile and moved out of his room and closed it behind me and released a breath that I did not even realized that I was holding.

I moved downstairs and told met with mom and dad who complimented me but still asked why I'm not wearing a dress or something instead of this jeans and shirt. Which I said that I did not felt like wearing the dress so I went with casual and while chatting for a while I heard the honk of a car. I realized that my date had come, I said goodbyes to my parents and got out to meet with my date and as I was driving away in the passenger sit I saw Ethan looking at me through the window. I felt like going on this date was a bad idea indeed

I was back at home after the date and found mom and dad at the dinner table with Ethan nowhere in sight, mom and dad looked worried as I was back home earlier than expected but I assured them that everything is alright and it's just we both did not find much comment things in between us so we called it a night.

I went to my room and waited for Ethan to inquire about my date whether something was wrong or what but he never came, after waiting for him for some time I changed into my night clothing.

I decided to call it a night. But sleep never came to me and after turning and shifting in bed for some time I moved out and made my way towards Ethan's room. At first I thought of knocking but realized it is too late in night and mom and dad might hear and come to inquire themselves which I definitely does not want. I tried my luck and hoped his door is not locked and guess my luck worked and his door knob turned and door opened up. I slowly let myself in avoiding making sound only to find him sleeping with all the lights off except for the lights from the moon.

At first I stared at him, thinking myself as why in the hell am I here? Why does it matter if he comes to check on me or not but that thought made me sad. I realized that I was being stupid to think that that is all he would be thinking as if thinking of his big sister's date is all he should be concerned with? I could not make sense of my own thoughts and so I decided to leave before I start to get a headache, before I could leave though I heard his voice.

"I'm not sleeping if that is what you have been wondering." Ethan said in soft voice.

I was startled at first but relaxed a bit and turned around to see him now still in dark but with moon light I was able to see him sitting in his bed now.

"Oh sorry I thought you were asleep so..."

"So..." he said.

"Um... I could not sleep so I thought I would come to you to talk or something but I did not think that you could be sleeping too."

"I'm not sleeping as you can see, anything you wanted to talk about."

I stood there fidgeting with the hem of my sleeping shirt and realized that I was in just my night shirt and panties standing in his room and thanked that lights are not on.

I would have been too embarrassed of myself as this shirt is not really the thing you can wear in front of your lil bro without a bra or even with a bra. He moved to turn on the lights and I immediately rushed towards him whispering loudly not to turn it on.r"












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