Be Ready by 7

"Be ready by 7pm, I'll pick you up at 7:30 sharp. Wear the black dress with your lacy underwear, and I'm going to choose which toy I'll be taking out with us. I'm going to let you pick out a selection of three discreet toys that I'll choose from, because you've been a good girl lately." I end the call.

You shower and get ready, laying out three toys onto the bed as instructed, as the front door is silently opened.

The masked figure slowly steps inside, moving quietly and undetected through the rooms towards you in your bedroom.

As you slip into your dress his hand closes around your face and mouth, his breath hot to your ear and neck as he growls "not a sound"

His other hand camps around your waist before lifting you off the floor and throwing you onto the bed roughly. Moving quickly he places his knee onto your back, pinning you in place and pulling silk ties from his pocket, tying your hands apart to the headboard.

Hands run down your arms, your body and brush the sides of your breasts, resting on your hips as he lifts the pressure from your back and steps away.

"Well, don't you look like a classy slut in that dress. How slutty are you then you little whore? Do you even have panties on under that dress?"

You feel the bottom of your dress being lifted, exposing your bum and revealing your lacy underwear. A single sharp slap to your arse cheek as he continues "shame." Another stinging slap.

Footsteps tell you that he's moving away, rummaging through cupboards and drawers, before slowly returning to the foot of your bed.

The tip of the riding crop slowly moves up the inside of your leg, tracing up your inner thigh, before being placed to the other leg and sliding up your skin softly, deliberately stopping at the top of your inner thigh before you receive two hard hits from the crop to your bum, then a light tap between your legs.

You let out a small betraying moan.

"Did your cunt enjoy that you little slut?"

You look at the masked figure in silence as he walks around the side of the bed, fixing his gaze to your face as an alarm rings to signal 7:30.

I pull the mask off and smile at you.

"Well princess, you've been a very good girl haven't you? It's time we go out now... We'll play later.."

Part 2:

Untying you from the bed, I lay you on your back, allowing you to feel the fierceness of my passion in a kiss.

Kissing along your jawline and down your neck I move myself lower down the bed, pulling your black lace knickers to the side, exposing your pussy, puffy and red from anticipation. I run my tongue up over your glistening wet pussy lips, treating myself to your sweet taste before slowly easing the love egg inside you, lubricated by my spit and your own excitement.

My hands take yours, helping you up from the bed before tenderly kissing the inside of your wrists.

I replace my black coat with a suit jacket and tie, as you straighten your dress and hair again ready to leave.

A quick look at my phone, we have to leave now to make the reservation on time, but there's enough time to quickly press the app on my phone and exert a small moan from you as it activates the love egg.

I take the scenic route to the restaurant so that you don't know that it's out favourite restaurant I'm taking you to. It's still light as we pass the woods on the edge of town, the trees silhouetted against the dusky sky, as I place a warm hand on the cool silky skin of your leg.

Our electricity builds as my hand moves further up the inside of your thigh, the heat radiating from your pussy as your hand rests in my lap and you begin rubbing me through my jeans, waking my cock up as I drive.

Your hand fumbles at the zip on my trousers, I know what you're thinking, but you won't be getting your mouth around my cock just yet.

"No." one word, no niceties, no babe, just no.

Your hand stills. You know I'm serious.

A pause. Your hand doesn't move. Good girl.

"You get that at the end of the evening, when I decide, not before. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

I glance your way, what's that expression that flashes across your face? Anticipation? Nervousness? That knowing look on your face that if I don't allow you to vent some of the tension building within me, when I do finally release, the spanks will be firm and my thrusts relentless.

Your face lights up as we reach our destination, I open your door and help you out of the car, a mischievous glint in your eye as you remember the toy nestled inside your pussy. "Thank you Sir."

As soon as we're through the door, the maitre d greets us, a swift press of the button on my phone has your legs quivering and a long slow out breath as you maintain composure.

The intensity of the egg slowly increasing as we're shown to our table, you subtly put a hand out to steady yourself on the table as you give the maitre d a smile before he returns to the door.

We're both seated before I switch the toy off again, giving you a brief reprieve, your face and breathing relaxing again.

Every time a waitress passes or visits our table, the toy resumes it's persistent vibrating at my command, building the pressure inside you.

Moving from my chair to your side I whisper in a voice low enough to only be heard by us, but the command is still very evident in my tone "I know how close you are, I know that you're desperate for the release, I can smell your desire from here. Go to the ladies room and send me a picture of just how wet your pussy and knickers are. But don't you dare cum whilst you're in there."

You quickly shake your head, your piercing blue eyes fixed on mine," no Sir, I won't."

I take my phone from my pocket as you reach the door, sliding the intensity of the love egg to full as it activates, your legs buckle and you catch yourself on the door to stop yourself collapsing, biting your lip so hard to stop yourself crying out that you draw blood.

A few of the other diners turn their attention to the door, but you're already behind it out of sight.

A few moments later and the picture comes through, your fingers dangerously close to your clit, but you know better than to touch yourself. Your pussy and knickers are so drenched that your thighs are glistening from your wetness, it looks so inviting that my cock stiffens again in anticipation of filling you later.

Another picture comes through, you're having fun with this now, as you're stood bent forward in an alluring pose with your dress and bra off, you've obviously used the timer because it's from behind showing off your amazing arse.

You come back through to me, reclothed but red faced and flustered as the egg maintains its constant vibrations on your G-spot.

I take your hand and lead you back out to the car, opening your door I hear your voice beside me, small and pleading "please Sir, can I cum?"

I lean close to your ear "baby, I want you to cum for me now, you've been a good girl for me tonight".

I flick the setting to pulse and you moan loudly, sinking to your knees in front of me, bracing yourself against the car as wave after wave of orgasm ripple through your body. You lift your head and fix your eyes on mine again, your pleasure written across your beautiful features "I'm cumming Sir. I'm cumming for you".

"And who do you belong to? Who does that pussy belong to?"

No hesitation, your response is immediate "you Sir. My pussy belongs to you. Only you."

I help you into the car, and kiss you passionately, full of lust. "You're my good girl, always." As I close the passenger side door."


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